Intuitive Mindfulness Teacher Training Course - Blended Learning  Become a Certified Intuitive Mindfulness and Compassion Teacher of our Mindfulness and Compassion Teacher Training Programme. Duration of training is 12 months. 

Accredited by the Standards office in over 40 countries 
Certified by the Complimentary Medical Association 

How the programme is organised  Programme begins with a three day retreat Video and audio online learning at home Monthly live interactive online video and audio sessions with the tutors Ongoing supervision and mentoring programme Access to online eight session Mindfulness and Compassion course and seeing how Suryacitta and Gaynor run the course   When you finish you will receive a certificate of completion and be able to run our Mindfulness and Compassion eight session course in any setting of youor choosing 

What you will learn 
Learning to teach mindfulness intuitively and using your own personal practice as your foundation.  
This is a 12 month programme and consists of an intial 3 day retreat, home practice and study and 11 monthly zoom calls of ninety minutes each.  
Learn how to teach mindfulness meditation with tools for body, heart, mind, and community 
Train to teach practices of compassion meditation 
Learn to practice and teach mindfulness intuitively 
Develop skills for leading groups and classes and guiding students 
Gain skills that apply mindfulness and self-compassion to relationships, conflict, trauma, organisational wisdom, and societal change 
Grow and deepen your spiritual path 
After completing the 12 month teacher training programme you will be an accredited Mindfulness Teacher able to run Mindfulness Community Interest Company's eight week /session Mindfulness and Compassion course. Or the trainign will enhance the teaching of whatever course you are running. 
Pre-Requisites: You need at least six months of daily personal mindfulness practice to begin the training.  
There is a maximum of 14 students 
The training begins with a three day retreat at our venue in Newtown Linford, Leicestershire, UK 
The first three day retreat will cover: 
Intros 5 minutes 
Melting ice cubes 
Becoming mushy 
Discovering who we are 
The three pillars of excellent mindfulness teaching 
Keeping teaching Simple 
Keeping teaching Elegant 
Keeping teaching Practical 
What mindfulness is and isn’t 
The two pools of practice 
The price of practice 
The reward of practice 
Inquiry: Trusting Simplicity 
The purpose of enquiry 
Preparing for the enquiry 
Opening the enquiry 
Doing the enquiry 
Handling difficult questions and students in your sessions 
Overview of the eight week course and practicals for the next twelve months 
First Zoom meeting explores the roots of mindfulness 
Beginning with a guided Mindfulness of Breathing followed by how to guide this practice 
Teaching input the Roots of Mindfulness 
The Four Noble Truths 
Guidelines for living 
The three poisons of the human mind 
The Buddha’s awakening 
Second Zoom meeting explores Common Mistakes 
Beginning with a guided Being at Home Meditation followed by how to guide this practice 
Teaching input Common mistakes 
Too much information 
Too much explanation 
Talking about New York is not New York 
Try to be more mindful 
Mindfulness will make you feel good 
Third Zoom meeting will explore Allowing Silence and some metaphors from Watching Thoughts 
The ABC Breathing Space meditation followed by how to guide this meditation 
Allowing Silence to be the teacher 
Watching Thoughts 
Thought labelling and useful metaphors 
Practical - signing up sheets for practices 
New Phase - exploring and practicing the eight session course 
Student to view and reflect on The Jewel in the Ice and Being at Home sections on Teachable 
Fourth Zoom meeting will explore week one and week two of the eight week Vision and Transfomation course  
The Jewel in the Ice and Being at Home 
Reflections from students 
Returning to the inquiry process 
Teaching practice by one/two students 
Students to view and reflect on Living in the Present on teachable 
Fifth Zoom meeting will explore week three of the Vision and Transformation Course 
Living in the Present 
Reflections from Students 
Going Beyond Cliches input - from tutor 
Teaching Practice from two students 
Students to view and reflect on week four Calming the Chattering Mind on teachable 
Sixth Zoom meeting will explore week four of the Vision and Transformation course 
Calming the Chattering Mind 
Reflections from Students 
Mindfulness and Concentration - input from tutor 
Teaching Practice from two students  
Students to view and reflect on week five Dancing with Dragons on teachable 
Seventh Zoom meeting will explore week five of the Vision and Transformation course 
Dancing with Dragons 
Reflections from Students 
Your secret practice - input from the tutor 
Teaching practice from two students 
Students to view and reflect on week six The ABC of Mindfulness on Teachable 
Eighth Zoom meeting will explore week six of the Vision and Transformation course 
The ABC of Mindfulness 
Reflections from Students 
More on metaphors and stories - input from tutor 
Teaching oractice from two students 
Students to view and reflect on week seven Compassion meditation on Teachable 
Ninth Zoom meeting will explore week seven of the Vision and Transformation course 
Compassion Meditation 
Reflections from Students 
Idiot compassion - input from tutor 
Teaching practice from two students 
Students to view and reflect on week eight Bringing Mindfulness to Life and What Next. 
Ninth Zoom meeting will explore week eight of the Vision and Transformation course 
Bringing Mindfulness to Life and What Next 
Reflections from Students 
Everyday Practice - input from tutor 
Teaching practice from two students 
Tenth Zoom Meeting will explore the qualities of a mindfulness teacher 
Qualities of a teacher 
Hot Seat 
Eleventh Zoom Meeting explores intuitive mindfulness teaching 
Intuitive teaching 
Hot seat 
Twelfth Zoom Meeting??? 
Short video of Suryacitta teaching in Australia 

What people say 

“This has been a wonderful experience and a chance for developing greater self awareness and instilling the confidence to teach mindfulness. Not just about the mechanics of the 8 week course. The challenging moments were handled so gently that the opportunities for growth were maximised. Truly nourishing in all senses.” 
“It has given me confidence in my ‘understanding’…Simple, some teachers make it more complicated than it needs to be – excellent.”  
“Loved the simplicity of it all. Feel confident I can bring it into my classroom." 
“It was a revelation to see how powerful and beautiful can be the use of metaphors and stories to convey meaning. They cut through confusion like lots of words never could.” 
“I have no hesitations in recommending any one of the courses at Mindfulness CIC and their brilliantly led retreats. It will be the greatest gift you could give to yourself. It provided me with a safe and supportive environment in which to build my own Daily mindfulness practice. Professionally run and delivered with kindness, I’ve also found being part of their online community a great way to grow and inform my own practice.” 
“I never realised that keeping teaching simple and direct is what makes it effective.I couldn’t have imagined that the use of pauses and silence could have such an effect.” 
“Thank you so much for an amazing, transformative experience!” 
“The warmth, connection between you both, your teaching, challenge and hospitality create an unforgettable experience, which is something of a turning point for me personally.” 
“Thank you, both for this opportunity and space to learn. Both from the course delivery practically and the modelling of your own practice and being. Truly uplifting.” 
“I am infinitely grateful for the experience. During the course, mental constructs continued to drop away revealing more of the jewel within the lot of us. It has deepened my practice and given me the confidence to pass on the miracle of mindfulness.” 
“I think my experience was far more enriching than I could’ve hoped for – a rollercoaster, but personally and hopefully professionally very valuable.” 
“Thank you for an insightful six days. It’s helped develop me, my reflections, my awareness and understanding of myself in a safe, yet challenging environment. Life isn’t easy and the retreat helps to reflect on the ups and downs. I appreciate the honesty and challenge Suryacitta brings without apology, with humour.” 
“Thank you for Six-Days of great teaching, great conversations, great company. I’ve learnt a huge amount about myself in such a short time. I’m going to make myself a fridge magnet saying something like “the best teaching companion is silence. I have learned from both of you.” 

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