What Samantha says
"I love the storytelling"
What Sharon says
"It keeps everything alive & real"
What Steve says
"Mindfulness at its very best"
What Katherine says
"A toolkit of knowledge"
What Oliver says
"Fantasic resources"
Online Meditation Membership
Mindfulness Unleashed 24/7 - Join Now!
We have members in every continent of the world. When you join Mindfulness Unleashed 24/7 you gain access to one of the most experienced meditation teachers in the UK - five time author Suryacitta Malcolm Smith. Suryacitta is renowned for translating ancient wisdom and making it relevant for living today in this fast paced demanding and often confusing world. You can have access to him on a daily basis with our library of over 150 talks and meditations updated each month with fresh videos and audios and our live monthly meditation evening over Zoom. People from all over the world can access this and experience Suryacitta's no nonesense, simple, direct approach to happiness.
You will be sent log in details within one hour of signing up

Why Join Online Mindfulness Unleashed 24/7?
We all want to be happy, we all want to be free from anxiety and worry. However, most of us don't know what to do about it. It seems no matter what we try it falls short of delivering the happiness or contentment we so want. Suryacitta with his 30+ years of experience as an ordained Buddhist Minister can help. Suryacitta in simple, down to earth teachings will show you how to:
Be free of the inner critic and the inner judge and be at ease with yourself
Be free of worrying and living in the future and the past
Live in the present moment and open to a new appreciation of life
Enhance your relationships by learning to let go reactivity and grievances
Be at ease with difficult feelings and emotions
Let go of negative thinking and low self esteem
Establish an simple but effective meditation should you wish to
Work with anger and fear
Heal your hurt and unresolved emotions from the past

"You are a joy to listen to. I feel your presence of joy. I will listen to the course again. Thank you! 🙂" Luciana (USA)
"I appreciate your healing words of wisdom, humour and soothing voice." TYVM Foxy (Australia).
What's included for Members?
The online meditation membership programme is suitable for complete beginners and those with experience of mindfulness and meditation.
Live online meditation evening - last Friday of the month 6.30-8pm GMT (if you miss this you will be sent the recordings)
Monthly themes such as Exploring Your Core Beliefs
New video talks uploaded every month
A new audio guided meditation/contemplation each month
A year of Buddhism for today. Video teachings on a Buddhist theme every month. (See Below)
Library of guided meditations ALL downloadable
Extensive Library of Audio and Video teaching: These are diffrent themes - Core Teachings for newcomers and beginners; Non-Dual Teachings, Help with anxiety, stress and more, going deeper Teachings, live satsangs. (Over 100 teachings and growing!)
There is an area for beginners and all other area are for more experienced people. Suitable for mindfulness teachers too.
Video teachings on relationships
Online meditations and mindfulness teachings What People say about our programme
"Surya is a joy to watch/listen to! As someone who has done the courses I found the content a lovely addition to my knowledge & a lovely refresher of concepts. It's something I am finding really useful, and it's very easy to tell other friends/family about who might struggle with anxiety/stress. Some people might be nervous to go to a meditation group or not be able to afford it but here they can join from afar but with a very similar benefit."
Naomi Kent
"I came down to a weekend course last September, and since then have been looking locally for a way of continuing my understanding, but have not found anyone that even comes close to Suryacitta, so this programme is a very good option for me - I’m in Wensleydale so can’t easily pop back to you for a refresher!"
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