Beyond Mindfulness 

Non Duality 

"Wow! I love these sessions. But, hold onto your hat because Surya will take you on one of the most enjoyable, challenging journeys of your life, a bit like a mindful roller-coaster, exciting, and scary and one that you won't want to leave... The Path to freedom. Many thanks Surya".. Lis Asher. 

Non Duality Online Drop Ins 

If you are willing to have everything you believe about yourself and life to be challenged, then come along. If you don't want the freedom which comes from that then we advise to stay well away! 
The evenings are run by Suryacitta and gleaned from his 30+ years of experience. 
These meetings are called satsangs - meetings in truth. It is a radical approach. Over the sessions you are going to explore your own immediate experience to discover the truth of who you really are, and what is really going on, not what you THINK/BELIEVE is going on.  
These going deeper - non duality meetings are broadcast live over Zoom and they are also recorded should you miss any sessions. 
Please see below! 

Non Duality - Online Drop Ins 

Non Duality

Non duality Online drop ins 

Date: Every : Non Duality evenings meet on the third Tuesday of each month 19:00 - 20:15 
Tuesday 19:00 - 20:15 
Tuesday 17th December 
£4.50 per session for Mindfulness Unleashed 24/7 Members 
£8.50 per session for non members. Please choose appropriate option at the checkout. 
You will be receive your link with your confirmation email. 
These satsangs (meetings in truth) are broadcast live over Zoom - they are recorded should you register and miss the session you can request a recording of the session. 
These are stand alone drop in evenings. 
What People Say (More Below) 
"Not quite sure it's possible to put thoughts about this course into words... it goes beyond expectations and your current reality and takes your meditation practice to a whole new playing field. All under the magic of Suryacitta's heartfelt and honest guidance... highly recommend." 
Vicky Hope, founder of The Wee Retreat CIC 
Beyond Mindfulness Non Duality Online Drop ins 
These will be led by Suryacitta 
Some people wonder where mindfulness leads, or what is the point of it. Well, we could say the point is mindfulness itself, but we can also say that mindfulness is practised in order to wake up to who you really are, and to see life as it really is and bring an end to suffering. 
Non duality is a translation of the word Advaita, meaning non-dual, "not two" or even oneness. This oneness is the fundamental nature of everything. Everything is a part of and made of one non-dual essence. The premise is that what you are looking for - peace, ease, well-being, happiness whatever names we give it, is already your nature. These sessions are about investigating and seeing and experiencing the truth of this for yourself.  
We don't experience the oneness of life as non dual because as we grow out of infancy we become strongly identified with the thinking mind. The thinking mind splits the world up into me and you, self and other. Our experience is that I am here in this body and life is out there happening to me. As a consequence the vast majority or our attention is locked onto thoughts, so we miss the wonder of life because we are pre-occupied with everthing to do with me/self. This way of being is the cause of all human suffering and angst. 
Is it for me? 
Many people who attend this course either resonate with the message and/or have been practicing meditation or mindfulness and are beginning to wonder where it leads. 
The material for the programme comes primarily from Suryacitta’s own experience but he draws on Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta (non duality), Zen, contemporary teachings and anything else he believes will help us to wake up. 
The sessions also include what Suryacitta calls Big Mind - Little Mind exercises which are a direct introduction to your true nature. 
During the sessions there will be meditations, pointers (exercises) contemplations, silence and voice dialogue and time for discussion. 
Non-Duality - What People Say 
"This course is a great opportunity to learn and to begin to experience what you really are. Surya's teachings and pointers helped to me to glimpse the freedom which underpins my moment to moment experience. The course is recommended as an exciting and, at times, unsettling experience of discovery for those who are ready to take the next step in their practice.
"Hi Suryacitta 
I just wanted to thank you and to say how useful and enjoyable the Non Duality course was. Well it was actually more than that - it was a magical adventure into 
an exciting new freedom which is not actually new, we just can’t see it for looking until we find the right teacher… are the one" 👍😊🤩 
"Words fall short to describe just how provoking, stirring and mind-scrambling this course has been! Re-cognition of natural intelligence lit me up on so many occasions: the radical appearing blindingly obvious before the mind scrambled its defences! Each time resonance is felt the more expansive the peace and sense of freedom becomes." Sam 
I have been incredibly fortunate that Suryacitta has guided me on my mindfulness journey for a number of years now. His knowledge and experience are very evident and support his compelling and inclusive communication style. 
He has deconstructed any mystique around practice, helped me to challenge my assumptions and built up my understanding of mindfulness with great use of simplicity. 
Suryacitta is an inspiring teacher who creates safe spaces for his community of learners, who grow at their own pace within a supportive group. I have learnt so much from him and know I can look forward to ever more jewels of insight to awaken my future practice. 
“I was initially sceptical regarding Non- Duality but the course was superb. It is the most challenging course I have attended. I could feel myself holding onto my ideas and concepts about life and myself, but these concepts eventually just fell away, leaving a feeling of lightness." Lee 

These meetings will be led by Suryacitta 

There will be a maximum of 14 people on the programme. 
You will need: 
A PC/Laptop/Macbook or Tablet. 
A stable internet connection 
A private space where you will not be disturbed. 
Please note that there is no cost to download Zoom. 
We will send very simple instructions for Zoom 
Non Duality Online Courses