Introduction To Mindfulness
We offer two hour introduction to mindfulness sessions for anybody wanting to learn, or for those wanting to refresh their existing practice. However, no prior experience is ncessary to attend. During these mindfulness sessions there will be teaching from Suryacitta or Gaynor along with guided meditations. You will learn how to meditate and to establish a regular practice, along with tools and techniques to calm anxious thoughts, soothe difficult emotions and learn to let go of overthinking about past and future.
The mindfulness sessions are informal and run in a relaxed manner. All cushions or chairs are provided.
The venue is The Kuti - meditation space. The Kuti is situated in the beautiful village of Newtown Linford, nestled in the heart of Charnwood forest. Come along and include a walk in beautiful Brdagate Deer Park just two minute walk from our venue.
Introduction To Mindfulness
Dates: Saturday Morning
Date 23rd September
10:00 - 12:00
Want to learn mindfulness meditation? Come learn in a beautiful environment with Suryacitta and Gaynor Quilter.
Venue is at the Kuti in Newtown Linford, Leicestershire. The sessions are informal and relaxed. Come along and go for awalk afterward in stunning Bradgate Deer Park, just two minutes walk from the venue.
Full Ticket Price £25.00
Discounted Ticket price £17.50
Please note: There are 3 discounted places available. If you are unwaged or low pay feel free to opt for this at the checkout.
More Retreat Content below
Silent Meditation day
Dates: TBC
Want to learn mindfulness meditation? Come learn in a beautiful environment with Suryacitta and Gaynor Quilter.
Venue is at the Kuti in Newtown Linford, Leicestershire. The sessions are informal and relaxed. Come along and go for awalk afterward in stunning Bradgate Deer Park, just two minutes walk from the venue..
Full Ticket Price £25.00
Discounted Ticket price £17.50
Please note: There are 3 discounted places available. If you are unwaged or low pay feel free to opt for this at the checkout.
More Retreat Content below
Mindfulness Tasters
What Will Happen
There will be short teachings from Suryacitta followed by both guided meditations. You can ask questions or just sit and soak it all up.
All meditation mats or chairs are provided so there is nothing you need ot bring along apart for some good walking shoes if you want to walk in beautiful Bradgate Deer Park which is just two minutes walk from the Venue.
What Some People Say
"I thought I coudn't meditate. Nobody has explained it so clearley and simple before. Thank you Suryacitta and Gaynor"
"Wonderful, and such a lovely environment too." Sam
"The Two Daggers, I will never forget this great metaphor for life"