Mindfulness Teacher Training
In-Person and Online
Do you want to establish if intuitive mindfulness teaching is your calling?
Are you already teaching Mindfulness and want to be more intuitive and creative in your approach?
If so, this two day facilitation course is what you’re looking for.
It will give you the confidence to teach from the heart and to touch the heart of your students.
The Leader
The cost is £260 in person and £200 online. Suryacitta will be leading the training and you are getting one of the most experienced and innovative teachers of mindfulness and meditation in the UK. He has dedicated 30 years including five years living and teaching in a meditation retreat centre, and knows the subtleties of this ancient practice, and how it transforms a person. He is the author of five books on the subject and has taught 100s of people to teach mindfulness and meditation. He is known as the teacher's teacher.
Next set of Workshops Friday 31st March and Saturday 1st April 10:00 - 16:00 more infomation below.

Suryacitta teaching a group in the Kuti - Meditation Space
Teaching Mindfulness with Ease
Teaching mindfulness in our view is magic, but for many teachers of mindfulness it can become very predictable. The students who attend a mindfulness course may have a good idea of what to expect or at least in the way it will be presented. Here at mindfulness Unleashed we keep things fresh and alive.
This comprehensive yet compact mindfulness teacher training online and in-person programme will train you to teach mindfulness in a supportive and simple way in your workplace, to the general public or whatever setting you are teaching in at present. Our methods are simple yet effective. and will benefit both you and your students as you begin to guide them on their journey. Our Mindfulness Teacher Training course is positioned over two days Friday and Saturday and can be experienced with Suryacitta and Gaynor. Book your place with us on a train to teach mindfulness course now and allow yourself to surprise your students and work colleagues, not only with what you teach, but by how you teach.
These two days are In-Person & Online.
11 Reasons for attending this Mindfulness Training
Learn how to keep your teaching creative and not predictable
Learn how to leave your students wanting more, not less
Learn how to keep mindfulness simple
Learn how to make your teaching elegant
Learn how to make and keep mindfulness practical
Learn how to guide effective meditations by saying less
Learn how to avoid too many cliches and too much jargon, keeping your language fresh and alive
Learn how to use silence and pauses as beautiful and effective teaching aides
Learn how to respond to any question from any student
Learn how to use metaphors, stories and images - which we supply you with
Perhaps most importantly of all we will show you how to teach intuitively

The Kuti - Meditation Space
Mindfulness Teacher Training Retreat
Training Over Two Days
Our mindfulness teaching facilitation training is ideal for:
Mindfulness and well-being champions in the workplace.
All our facilitation training arises from the three pillars of good teaching - simplicity, elegance and practicality.
Aims and objectives include:
How to run short workshops in the workplace
How to run longer courses in the workplace
How to run mindfulness and well-being away days for your company
How to create a culture of mindfulness in the workplace
How to teach workshops and courses in the community
How to use mindful tools and techniques at work and home
Mindfulness Teacher Training Workshops
Fridays 31st March & Saturday 1st April 2023
in Person and Online
£260 In Person
In-Person includes snacks and Lunch
£200 Online
If you would like to pay by instalments then just drop us a
line and that can be arranged.
Benefits of attending in person
If you can attend in person then please do so. The benefits of doing so include:
Being in the Kuti (meditation space) without distractions that may occur at home
Building connections with other teachers which often lead to collaboration
Relax in the beautiful environment of Charnwood Forest
The opportunity of one to one contact with the teachers
To play with Bankei, our gorgeous Border Collie
A Mindfulness Teacher's Handbook

The material is based on Suryacitta's fourth book, A Mindfulness Teachers Handbook- How to surprise your students, not just with what you teach, but by how you teach. Each participant will receive a copy of the book as part of the training.
You can receive a copy prior to the start should you wish too browse in preparation.

Suryacitta's Published Books
First Friday
Setting the scene and introduction to the Three Pillars
The use of metaphors, stories and images as teaching aides.
The use of pauses and silence in teaching and sharing mindfulness
Guiding meditations - what to say, what not to say and how much to say
Exploring the Inquiry process
Introducing mindfulness into the workplace
Second Friday
Having a go. There will be the option of having a go at guiding a short meditation and receiving helpful feedback from Suryacitta, Gaynor and the group
How to help your students work with troublesome thoughts and emotions
Discussion about any aspect of mindfulness and mindfulness teaching and resources and what next.
Running workshops and other formats
Mindfulness teacher training - the three pillars
Simple - You will be shown that keeping teaching simple, is more effective. You will explore how to keep teaching in the here and now and not to get lost in over explanation. This makes it easier for you, the teacher.
Elegant - Elegance is what you leave out. Many teachers say far too much and over complicate this simple and profound practice. Suryacitta will show you that what you leave out, is as important as what you put in.
Practical - Teaching has to be practical and relevant to a persons' life. Here you will explore how to apply mindfulness in the workplace, at home and in your relationships. Practical means learning many tools and techniques to share with your students for when they have anxious and worrying thoughts and difficult feelings and emotions which accompany them.
NOTE: For many these two days are sufficient. However, some attendees decide to join the 12 month teacher training pathway following this course. If you decide we will give you a £150 discount on the 12 month pathway programme.
A certificate in mindfulness skills be
given at the end of the retreat.
Two Day Workshops Fridays 27th January & 3rd February- In person £260 - Online £200
“Suryacitta’s teaching style is excellent. He feels the need of the students and adds an individualism into each students feedback. I have found the teaching inspiring and I am eager to put it into practice. Thank you!”
Diane – Capital One
Would you like to find out more, or do you have a question? Simply fill in the form below and we'll get right back to you.
Cancellations Cancellations must be made at least 21 days prior to the start of the course. If you cancel within 21 days we will refund 50 per cent of the fee. No refunds will be given after the course starts. However, with all cancellations, we will transfer you to another course for a small donation.