Free Live Online Drop-in Meditation Mornings    

Please let us know by filling in the form if you would like to register for FREE live online meditation mornings 
Monday Drop ins 
07:30 - 07:50 UK time 
Welcome, Suryacitta and Gaynor are running free drop-in meditation mornings for all every Mondays at 07:30 UK time 
There will be a guided meditation for 20 minutes. 
FEEL free to have your camera turned off - no problem at all. Just come along and start your Friday with some calm time. 
PLEASE NOTE: We never give away your email address 
Meditation is medicine for the mind 
PLEASE NOTE: You will be sent a Zoom link upon registering. You only register once and attend as often as you wish.  

If you wish to register for free live online morning meditations please sign below.  (After signing below you will be sent an email, YOU MUST confirm this before being registered and sent the link and information. (Check your junk mail

Meditation is being right here, right now 
Meditation is medicine for the mind