By Gaynor 
The Second most popular recipe on our meditation retreats is Spicy Sweet Potato Soup. I love the coulor of this and with a little bread and cheese is just so yummy.  
Spicy Sweet Potato Soup 
Chop 2 onions and Heat a splash of olive oil. gentle cook for about 10 minutes or until the onions are beautifully golden. 
Chop 4 cloves of garlic and 2 red chillies (or use chilli flakes) as add to the golden onions. 
Then mix in 2 dessert spoons of your favourite curry paste (You can mix your own- but this is a much easier option) 
Wash 3 big sweet potatoes and 2 carrots and roughly chop, then add to the mixture. Give it a good stir so they coated with the onions and spices. You can add salt and pepper. 
You will need about a pint and half of veggie stock. Use the best cubes you can afford or ideally make your own. It’s much cheaper and tastier and will last in the fridge for 3-5 days. Don’t use potato peelings as it makes the stock too starchy! 
Mix the stock into the veg and gently cook for about 15 minutes or until tender. Let it cool before you stick blend or liquidise. 
Finally add half a block of creamed coconut and enjoy watching it melt it whilst you reheat. 
We like our soup thick, but if you want to thin It down -either add extra Milk or soya milk for an even more creamy flavour! 
Decorate with fresh coriander and serve with crusty bread. 
Enjoy. Keep your requests coming. 
My Italian Nonna had the most influence on my approach to cooking. Her food was always colourful, made with love and very tasty. My mum’s influence was all veg. She was an organic gardener long before organic was po 
Enjoy 😀. 
Feedback on if they worked for your family, any pictures you taken and of course further left over ideas welcome. 
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