Online Mindfulness Courses
22nd April 2020
by Suryacitta
As time goes on and more and more of us embrace virtual learning we too are turning many of our courses to work online. We now have online mindfulness courses which people can join from anywhere in the world. These are live and interactive with myself and work very well. We also run online meditation retreats and these have been one of the big surprises as they are the most popular of all. These online Meditation retreats are run over a Saturday morning betweeen 10:00 - 13:00 and have a very simple format.

I do a little teaching, we meditate for 20 minutes then have 20 minutes open period for stretching or quietly drinking a cup of tea. Then another short teaching then another meditation, we do this all morning, very simple.
All the online meditation courses and the online mindfulness retreats are recorded so that if anybody registers they can catch up via the recording should they miss a session. Below are some testimonials.
"I loved the online meditation retreat. A Saturday morning dedicated only meditation was wonderful. I was surpised by how well it all worked out. And all in the comfort of my own home. " Thank you, Helen
"I was a bit sceptical about the online mindfulness course as I assumed we needed to be there in person. But it was wonderful and Suryacitta's teachings, which I had only read about before were simple and straight to the point." Joe
"I have never come across teachings that were profound yet so simple at the same time. This online meditation course with mindfulness cic was the first online course I had done, and it worked perfectly after a I had a short glitch getting connected but that was all. I even watched the recordings." Sue
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