Chakra Dancing
28th May 2024
Chakra Dancing by Gaynor
Do you need to dance, move your body more and release tension?
Do you have a feeling that life - seems to come at you with more force?
Most of the time I can ride the wave of my sadness and label my suffering. I have learnt to use my practice to just be with what iis or at least to start going deeper and unpacking what it is.
But just sometimes it all gets a bit much. In January my older brother was diagnosed with lung cancer in the water around his lungs. He had been poorly over Christmas and the family knew that there was something definitely not right. But in his stoic, alpha male fashion-it took him ages before he went to see the GP. In the end he was rushed by ambulance to hospital and a new journey for him and our family began. He didn’t start his chemo for a couple of months after his diagnosis and we’ve been pretty much all over the place as we all tried to come to terms with it in our own way. I’m sure many of you already know what the roller coaster of chemo experience is like either because you’ve gone through it or because you’ve been sitting alongside someone who has.
For me, I sat with the paradox of “putting poison into the body to make it well”. In response my body keeps shouting move, move some more.
Some of you know through the movement and mediation practice -The Foundation of Youth Club, that I practice the Five Tibetan movements, but I found this was not enough for my body. So I have combined 30 years of Chakra fascination with Chakra dancing or as Surya calls it “Shaking your Chakras”.
The music is wonderful as you work through all your 7 chakras, dancing the different vibrations. It’s shifting my energy and helping releases, not just what I am currently holding, but a deeper holding is being softened too.
So with the help of music from Lizzie at Chakra dancing, I have decided to run a movement and stillness day retreat on 3rd of August. Combining a morning spent dancing and an afternoon in meditation.
So if you need to relax and let go of of tension join me for a “Shake your Chakras” day retreat. Let your body smile, laugh and have fun!
We will be in the Kuti, so space is limited to only 9 of us.
If you can make the date, book early, as 2 places have already gone!
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