Coaching for Grief & Loss 

Have you had a significant recent loss in life? 
Are you starting to surface deeply held grief? 
Do you feel lost and rudderless? 
Has your grief clouded you in sadness that you have forgotten who you are? 

Why grief and loss coaching can help you compassionately shift your compass back to you 

When we suffer a significant loss we begin to question what is important in our lives. We can find that the world seems like a very different place to the one that had our loved one in it. 
As human beings, we do not come into this life to be alone, we are wired for connection. Sometimes our response to grief is fear – our loss gets locked in. We know that fear, depression, anxiety, anger, and strong negative emotions can wreak havoc not only on our mental and emotional health, but also within our physical bodies. It is believed that eighty percent of our energy blockages in our bodies are created from emotional challenges. 
Deep grief can cause our minds to be unclear, and what we think may have happened or not happened could be distorted – it is perfectly normal for this to happen. However, we know that negative beliefs and emotions can hold us back from taking appropriate action when we want to move forward. 
As human beings we have always held the wisdom to heal from within. We have just forgotten how to access what we already know. 
One of the main concerns those who are grieving have is that they do not want the memory of their loved one to fade. Rituals and ceremonies are very important and date back for centuries in all cultures. Grief arises from loving deeply and remembering that love is so important in the healing process. 
A strong support network is key to being able to release the fear and stay connected and grounded throughout the day. 

“Over the 7 sessions with Gaynor, I saw how far I had already come. I feel like I am returning to myself. The 3 month plan is supporting me to see into the future"    Hedi Thin    

When you are ready to find out more, we are here to take your call 

What happens in Grief and Loss coaching 

Gaynor uses the BREATHE model for grief and loss, to support you to re-engage with life after the loss of a loved one. Over 7 sessions, using compassionate mindfulness practices, visualisation, practical exercises and simple tools and techniques you will experience a movement forward that can sustain your own healing thorough daily or weekly routines. 
The 7 sessions are not linear, as they are based on what you bring to each session. The BREATHE model – shared with Gaynor by Pat Sheveland of Healing Family Grief is used to explore your own grief and loss and to create a commitment and actions that will move you forward. We take it at your own pace. 
Together - we will: 
Begin with where you are now and what you want to give your attention too. We will explore your strengths and how you can use them to help you move forward in your healing process. 
Use visualisation to help you envision what your future life could look like and create goals to help you accomplish your vision. 
Explore who is in your support network and who you may have overlooked. How you can ask for their support and the value of this connection for you and those who support you. 
Access your own inner healer, it was always there it has just been covered over. We will tap into ancient wisdom and to five main channels that are believed to be affected by our emotions. We will use these to help design your own activities for physical and mental wellbeing. 
Create opportunities to assess what beliefs may be challenging and how this can be turned “upside-down” to access their strength and positivity. 
Create a plan, through a ritual or ceremony that will help you to always honour and remember your loved one. 
Use the gift of transformation to gently and compassionately focus on your own purposeful life – bringing forth kindness towards yourself and others. 
Experience and contact us 
Gaynor knows about the shock of grief. She lost her Dad at aged 5 and her best freind at 21. 
She holds space so that you can explore what you need to re- define your purpose in life and gently move forward with more compassion for yourself and those around you. 
If you feel that you’re ready to explore what comes next for you. Get in touch and we will talk about how the BREATHE program and how Gaynor can coach you to redefine your purpose. 
There are 7 sessions of 90 minutes at a date and time thatt works for us both. 
Additional Resources: 
You will have access Mindfulness Unleashed 24/7 for the duration of our coaching together and for a further 3 months. This gives you access to guided compassionate mindfulness practices and exercises that wil continue to support you. 

“At session one I thought there is no way it will it be diffrent in 7 sessions, but it is! Thank you. Iam learning to trust what I need in the momment."  Amanda Biggs     

Follow these three simple steps to get started 

1. Book a 20 minute Introductory call by filling your details in the form opposite 
2. Meet with Gaynor to get a feel of whether working with Gaynor is a good fit for you. 
3. Book a package of sessions to suit your needs at a time that suits you. 
Once coaching begins you will receive free Membership of Mindfulness Unleashed 24/7 for the duration of your coaching. 

Accreditation with the International Coaching Federation 

Gaynor re-trained with the Mindful Coaching School in 2020. 
She is PCC accredited with the International Coaching Federation. 
international coaching federation

Where will the coaching take place? 

Coaching is provided at Newtown Linford, Leicestershire LE6 or via zoom, to suit the needs of the individual, team or organisation.  
If you need more movement, Gaynor offers sessions that involve a walk in Bradgate Deer Park.  

How long do sessions last? 

An introductory call last 20 minutes. 
A coaching session lasts 60 minutes.  
Voice dialogue sessions are 90 minutes.  
Grief and Loss sessions are 90 minutes. 
Complete the form and invite Gaynor to coach you! 
According to Human Design Gaynor is a 3/5 Splenic Projector. Her authority is to be invited. Simply fill in the form, and we’ll get back to you within two working days. If there is a preferred day and time, please let us know.  

“I feel a sence of calm and am starting to relax and be with my sadness. Its hard, but Iam learning lots of new skills that are helping things move in the right direction"  Sue   


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